I have kept a close eye on my traffic since 06-06-06, and the statistics are dramatic. The chart below shows how the blogger.com home page went from nowhere to being 95% of my traffic overnight.

Are web surfers so mindless that we nearly always click on the top of the list, no matter what appears below it?
I recovered some of my faith in web-surfer intelligence and deepened my appreciation for the complexity of "blog network analysis" when I realized that not everyone sees the same thing when they point their browser at http://blogger.com. When I logged off the Blogger.com system and looked at it from a newcomer's perspective, the top ten "Blogs of Note" went away and I got this subscription screen instead, which only lists today's singular blog of note:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License and is copyrighted (c) 2006 by Connective Associates except where otherwise noted.
It seems people do tend to click the first site the most. I am the only one here it seems from the homepage.
how do you get those cool stats about your site?
I found the list of blogs of note from my dashboard and went through each and ever blogs listed.
Maybe not so random after all :)
Well I wasn't too mindless, I found you roughly half way down the list of blogs of note.
Mind if I pass you blog on to a few colleagues?
those interested in getting their own blog stats can just click on the charts I have posted and get to SiteMeter.com and Google Analytics (depending on which site I used to produce the chart you happen to click on)
I wish there was an easier way to find (browse) through blogs. . . The "blogs of note" is admittedly a mindless way of connecting.
99% of the losers who check out blogs of note do it everyday to leave half hearted complements and responces about how "cool" the persons blog is in hopes that someone will click on their name and go to their blog.
So after the first day or so 99% of the people who check out blogs of note already left a stupid post on one of your threads and don't bother coming back even though they told you how great your blog was.
I mean, that is what I am doing.
This sentence expresses my weakness for self-referential writing.
cxongratulations first of all for making it to the list .. now you use google analytics to track blog traffic .. that's awesome .. so do I :)
I wish they had a way of pin pointing users .. like where are they coming from instead of just the country info.
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