To get the most from this online network survey, just follow the self-contained instructions to create your own personal copy. Then you can modify your copy of the survey as you wish and use it as you would any other SurveyMonkey survey.
I am providing the survey free of charge. SurveyMonkey is free or $20/month, depending on which features you want. Choose your favorite network mapping software (see the Connectedness right sidebar under "SNA Software") and you are ready to go.
If you are in a mood to shop around, I recommend you also see the special-purpose survey tools of Miguel Lobo at Duke's Fuqua School of Business and Rob Cross at UVA's Network Roundtable.
New to network mapping? Don't hesitate to email me with questions on how to get started.

or use its also free and upgrade is only $10/month
links are broken.
Hi Bruce,
We decided to develop after I had spent a couple of years using Surveymonkey. I love Surveymonkey, but couldn't get it to meet all my requirements.
There is a new, online tool for mapping informal networks, which is quite simple and intuitive. I have used it and it works well:
If your readers want a fully functional social network survey data collection tool, they should visit our Network Genie site. Network Genie helps you:
(1) Design network surveys and survey questions. (2) Manage social network projects. (3) Collect social network data using online forms. (4) Download and export data to the social network analysis program of your choice.
That's Right! We decided to develop after I had spent a couple of years using Surveymonkey. I love Surveymonkey, but couldn't get it to meet all my requirements.
This might be a basic questions but could you please explain a little bit about network mapping?
I'm new to this subject and pretty excited on the whole concept.
Thank you ^_^
Free Surveys For Cash
Hi Bruce,
I would like to add an alternative solution for online organizational network analysis - Polinode . You can use Polinode to run both small and large network surveys with complete flexibility over question order, content, etc. And it also includes an integrated network visualisation and analysis Gephi in the cloud.
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