Tuesday, December 14, 2004

HBS Prof Teresa Amibile on creativity in business

Check out Fast Company's December article about Teresa Amibile, entitled "The 6 Myths Of Creativity"

Columnist Bill Breen says, "Amabile, who heads the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School and is the only tenured professor at a top B-school to devote her entire research program to the study of creativity, is one of the country's foremost explorers of business innovation."

He explains how Amibele's research is overturning long-held myths about creativity. In Amibele's words, these are

1. Creativity Comes From Creative Types
2. Money Is a Creativity Motivator
3. Time Pressure Fuels Creativity
4. Fear Forces Breakthroughs
5. Competition Beats Collaboration
6. A Streamlined Organization Is a Creative Organization

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